FarmTronics Daily Egg Collection Log

Select date from the pop up calendar

Items marked with an Asterisk* are required fields.

Enter how many eggs were collected from the conveyor
Enter how many eggs were discarded
Enter how many eggs were collected outside

Have you checked the following items ?

If below 12.0 Volts Please Charge or Change Battery

WARNING Water Tank is EMPTY !

WARNING Feeder 1 is EMPTY !

WARNING Feeder 2 is EMPTY !

WARNING Feeder 3 is EMPTY !

If there are any dead hens enter the quantity here
You can select more than one Checkbox
Enter any other comments here

Tick for YES
You can select more than one Option

Tick for YES
You can select more than one Option

Enter any other comments here

Ver1.14 01/06/2023
CLUCKER Software
Copyright FarmTronics Australia 0411 479 411